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Bleater's Blog
  1. Ready for the Six Nations??
  2. It Is 2025
  3. It’s Nearly The New Year
  4. The Autumn Internationals are Here!
  5. Season 24/25 is HERE!
  6. The Summer Break - Finally
  7. Summer and The Tours
  8. Cups and Playoffs
  9. The Season Run In
  10. It’s Six Nations Time!
  11. 2024 Has Arrived
  12. It’s Nearly Here…… January
  13. Countdown to Chri….. January!
  14. RWC 2023 - The Final Approaches
  15. The Summer Break
  16. Rugby World Cup 2023 Plus
  17. The Rugby World Cup Approaches
  18. The Final Countdown
  19. The Summer Tours Up Next
  20. Rugby Continues Thankfully
  21. The Six Nations - Happy Days
  22. 2023 Has Arrived
  23. The Halfway Point of the Season
  24. The Season Continues into Autumn
  25. Here we go! A new season
  26. The Twilight Zone
  27. The Season is Nearly Over
  28. The Six Nations and Some
  29. The 6 Nations Begins
  30. 2022 and All THAT!
  31. Christmas is nearly upon us!!
  32. We’re Still Waiting
  33. The Season Progresses
  34. At Last - We are back
  35. The New Season is Nearly Here
  36. Lions Tests are Here!
  37. The Lions Up next
  38. Now It’s Europe
  39. 6 Nations Beckons
  40. 2021 at last! A year of renewed hope!
  41. A New Premiership Season
  42. Still NO Grassroots Rugby!!!!!
  43. It Continues - NO GRASSROOTS RUGBY!!
  44. No End In Sight To The Madness
  45. Autumn Internationals BUT Still NO Crowds
  46. We're Back - In Part At Least
  47. The Restart is Still a Long Way Away
  48. When will we play again?
  49. Time for a beer and a haircut!!
  50. It's easing apparently???!!!
  51. Behind Closed Doors or ...... ??
  52. Lockdown or not to lockdown
  53. The Debate Continues
  54. Yet another new page
  55. The Nightmare Continues - the blog
  56. The Season Grinds to a Halt
  57. The Season Moves On
  58. It's Official - The Drought is Over
  59. 6 Nations Starts
  60. Another New Page - Sorry
  61. 6 Nations Beckons
  62. Welcome To A New Decade
  63. It'll soon be over. Xmas that is
  64. Xmas is Coming
  65. Back to the Grassroots Game
  66. Bleater in Japan
  67. The Grassroots Season Starts
  68. Not Long Now!
  69. Japan Still Beckons
  70. Japan Beckons
  71. Nearly Time To Look Ahead
  72. The Summer Break is Here
  73. The Final Countdown
  74. Yet another section of drivel
  75. The Season Continues for a Little Longer
  76. The 6 Nations Continues
  77. Six Nations and More
  78. It's RWC Year!!
  79. Its Definitely Winter
  80. Winter is here. Brrrr!!!
  81. Its the Autumn, soon to be Winter
  82. We Are Off And Running
  83. The New Season Approaches
  84. Still the Summer Tours Go On
  85. The Summer Internationals Plus, Plus
  86. The Season Climax Approaches
  87. Summer is Coming
  88. Another Section, More Drivel
  89. 2018 Already!!!! It'll soon be Xmas
  90. The Season Approaches the Half Way Point
  91. The Season Takes Shape
  92. The Season Starts
  93. More Pre-Season Build Up
  94. Pre-Season and Other Stuff
  95. The Lions Tested
  96. The Lions Roar
  97. We Are Still Counting Down
  98. It's All About The Lions
  99. The Countdown to Season's End
  100. The Season Continues Apace
  101. It's Time for the 6 Nations
  102. 2017 - Let The Fun Begin
  103. The Big Man Will Be Here Soon
  104. Let's Countdown to You Know What
  105. It's Time For Europe
  106. The Season Is Well Underway
  107. At Last Let The Competition Begin
  108. Not Long to the New Season
  109. Not So Much Rugby Now
  110. Still Plenty of Rugby to Debate
  111. The Summer Break
  112. Here Comes Summer
  113. They Think It's All Over
  114. Jones - A New Era
  115. It Was A Grand Slam!!!!
  116. 6 Nations - A Grand Slam??
  117. Six Nations 2016
  118. A New Captain, A New Start
  119. Welcome to 2016
  120. The Countdown to Christmas
  121. Winter Has Arrived
  122. November Movember
  123. The World Cup Is Over
  124. Rugby World Cup Quarters
  125. Rugby World Cup into the knockout stages
  126. Rugby World Cup Day 9 to Day 24
  127. Rugby World Cup Day 1 to Day 8
  128. Sept 9th to Sept 17th
  129. August 24th to September 7th
  130. August 11th to August 23rd
  131. July 16th to August 9th
  132. July 1st to July 15th
  133. June 17th to June 29th
  134. June 2nd to June 16th
  135. May 19th to June 1st
  136. May 7th to May 17th
  137. April 28th to May 6th
  138. April 22nd to April 27th
  139. April 13th to April 21st
  140. March 13th to Aprill 11th
  141. March 5th to March 12th
Bleater's Blog
  1. Ready for the Six Nations??
  2. It Is 2025
  3. It’s Nearly The New Year
  4. The Autumn Internationals are Here!
  5. Season 24/25 is HERE!
  6. The Summer Break - Finally
  7. Summer and The Tours
  8. Cups and Playoffs
  9. The Season Run In
  10. It’s Six Nations Time!
  11. 2024 Has Arrived
  12. It’s Nearly Here…… January
  13. Countdown to Chri….. January!
  14. RWC 2023 - The Final Approaches
  15. The Summer Break
  16. Rugby World Cup 2023 Plus
  17. The Rugby World Cup Approaches
  18. The Final Countdown
  19. The Summer Tours Up Next
  20. Rugby Continues Thankfully
  21. The Six Nations - Happy Days
  22. 2023 Has Arrived
  23. The Halfway Point of the Season
  24. The Season Continues into Autumn
  25. Here we go! A new season
  26. The Twilight Zone
  27. The Season is Nearly Over
  28. The Six Nations and Some
  29. The 6 Nations Begins
  30. 2022 and All THAT!
  31. Christmas is nearly upon us!!
  32. We’re Still Waiting
  33. The Season Progresses
  34. At Last - We are back
  35. The New Season is Nearly Here
  36. Lions Tests are Here!
  37. The Lions Up next
  38. Now It’s Europe
  39. 6 Nations Beckons
  40. 2021 at last! A year of renewed hope!
  41. A New Premiership Season
  42. Still NO Grassroots Rugby!!!!!
  43. It Continues - NO GRASSROOTS RUGBY!!
  44. No End In Sight To The Madness
  45. Autumn Internationals BUT Still NO Crowds
  46. We're Back - In Part At Least
  47. The Restart is Still a Long Way Away
  48. When will we play again?
  49. Time for a beer and a haircut!!
  50. It's easing apparently???!!!
  51. Behind Closed Doors or ...... ??
  52. Lockdown or not to lockdown
  53. The Debate Continues
  54. Yet another new page
  55. The Nightmare Continues - the blog
  56. The Season Grinds to a Halt
  57. The Season Moves On
  58. It's Official - The Drought is Over
  59. 6 Nations Starts
  60. Another New Page - Sorry
  61. 6 Nations Beckons
  62. Welcome To A New Decade
  63. It'll soon be over. Xmas that is
  64. Xmas is Coming
  65. Back to the Grassroots Game
  66. Bleater in Japan
  67. The Grassroots Season Starts
  68. Not Long Now!
  69. Japan Still Beckons
  70. Japan Beckons
  71. Nearly Time To Look Ahead
  72. The Summer Break is Here
  73. The Final Countdown
  74. Yet another section of drivel
  75. The Season Continues for a Little Longer
  76. The 6 Nations Continues
  77. Six Nations and More
  78. It's RWC Year!!
  79. Its Definitely Winter
  80. Winter is here. Brrrr!!!
  81. Its the Autumn, soon to be Winter
  82. We Are Off And Running
  83. The New Season Approaches
  84. Still the Summer Tours Go On
  85. The Summer Internationals Plus, Plus
  86. The Season Climax Approaches
  87. Summer is Coming
  88. Another Section, More Drivel
  89. 2018 Already!!!! It'll soon be Xmas
  90. The Season Approaches the Half Way Point
  91. The Season Takes Shape
  92. The Season Starts
  93. More Pre-Season Build Up
  94. Pre-Season and Other Stuff
  95. The Lions Tested
  96. The Lions Roar
  97. We Are Still Counting Down
  98. It's All About The Lions
  99. The Countdown to Season's End
  100. The Season Continues Apace
  101. It's Time for the 6 Nations
  102. 2017 - Let The Fun Begin
  103. The Big Man Will Be Here Soon
  104. Let's Countdown to You Know What
  105. It's Time For Europe
  106. The Season Is Well Underway
  107. At Last Let The Competition Begin
  108. Not Long to the New Season
  109. Not So Much Rugby Now
  110. Still Plenty of Rugby to Debate
  111. The Summer Break
  112. Here Comes Summer
  113. They Think It's All Over
  114. Jones - A New Era
  115. It Was A Grand Slam!!!!
  116. 6 Nations - A Grand Slam??
  117. Six Nations 2016
  118. A New Captain, A New Start
  119. Welcome to 2016
  120. The Countdown to Christmas
  121. Winter Has Arrived
  122. November Movember
  123. The World Cup Is Over
  124. Rugby World Cup Quarters
  125. Rugby World Cup into the knockout stages
  126. Rugby World Cup Day 9 to Day 24
  127. Rugby World Cup Day 1 to Day 8
  128. Sept 9th to Sept 17th
  129. August 24th to September 7th
  130. August 11th to August 23rd
  131. July 16th to August 9th
  132. July 1st to July 15th
  133. June 17th to June 29th
  134. June 2nd to June 16th
  135. May 19th to June 1st
  136. May 7th to May 17th
  137. April 28th to May 6th
  138. April 22nd to April 27th
  139. April 13th to April 21st
  140. March 13th to Aprill 11th
  141. March 5th to March 12th
Bleater's Blog 63 of 141

63. It'll soon be over. Xmas that is

Tuesday 31st Dec: 09:45

One day later than planned........ sorry! After a long drive home from Bridgnorth and a tour of Morrisons blogging was the last thing on my mind yesterday. Instead several glasses of sherry and preparing food was the order of the day. Cauliflower, broccoli and leeks in my own special cheese sauce with ham and crusty bread. Delicious.

I trust you have enjoyed the festive season thus far and looking forward to tonight and a few drinks with friends. We are, especially after my mother spent quite a bit of time over the last seven days commenting on how much Mrs Bleater and I drink. As a consequence of her nagging we are going to have a dry January. Dry sherry, dry cider, dry white wine and dry gin being the drinks of choice for the next month. We were thinking about vegan too but didn't think we could eat a whole one.

Our Christmas has been very enjoyable. Time with my mother, the kids, the grandkids and loads of fun. On Saturday I was at the rec in Bath with my son-in-law and grandson watching them play Sale. A great day out but a pretty turgid game. Bath can say "thank heavens for Wales" as Rhys Priestland, my man of the match, Taulupe Faletau, the official man of the match and Jamie Roberts were the stand out men. Sale came good in the second half but awful decision making lost them the game. Why not take the points and extend the lead rather than the more ambitious kick for touch? Madness and I know the coaches felt the same. Three other highlights of the day were catching up with my brother, part of the Sale coaching team, and my sister-in-law and my nieces, plus meeting up with Phil De Glanville who I haven't seen for many, many years and also bumping in to Andy Robinson who I had a good chat with, especially after my appearance on the same Scrum V show he was part of. Despite the ground being unsophisticated they have a good setup at the Rec but no matter how hard the man on the microphone tried the atmosphere was a bit flat and when the twit in the crowd tried to get a Mexican wave going........aaarrrgghhh!!

The pitch didn't help but World Rugby have got to look again at the scrum. Reset after reset, collapse after collapse was frustrating enough but the time it took was painful. I am more than ever convinced if the game is to break away from being like the NFL with enormous blokes charging into other enormous blokes for the sake of a few metres they are going to have to change the offside line at ruck and maul. Being behind the hindmost foot is simply not happening. It is time to police the kick chasers too. Up goes the ball time and time again and guess what? Yep, most of the chasers are in front of the kicker. Finally the TMO. I am a fan of the TMO process but it has to be speeded up and for most reviews they should look at things in real time not in slo-mo as they are now. More on all this as the season progresses perhaps.

Quins v Leicester sounds a cracking game and in front of 75,000 too. I caught the second half of Bristol v Wasps. At last Wasps are showing some form. Exeter v Saracens was a real arm wrestle with the Chiefs defence being the difference. I thought this was a pretty game with the ball moving around quite a bit and the odd bit of nonsense thrown in for good measure. What was Harry Williams thinking of?

The bitterness about Saracens and the salary cap simply won't go away with Rob Baxter and the Chiefs "owner" Tony Rowe stirring the pot again. By the way where in the salary calculations does Jack Nowell's personal sponsorship by Red Bull get included??

A cracking game on Boxing Day with Cardiff just sneaking past the Dragons. I thought the Dragons were unlucky not to win that one, something Andy Robinson disagreed with what with his lad Ollie playing well for the Blues.

Henry Slade is out injured for a while but George North is set to return for Ospreys. Boy they need him. Rhys Webb is on his way back to Wales for "family reasons" after a period at Toulon. Liam Williams is also heading home with a return to the Scarlets now confirmed.

Before I go I am delighted to tell you my mother has finally entered the 21st century. She now has the internet and an iPad. Happy days.

Have a great night tonight and I'll be back on Thursday bright and early.

Monday 23rd Dec: 09:00

For those of you who are not already aware Geoff Treen's Funeral will be held at Tunbridge Wells Crematorium starting at 11:30am on Friday January 17th. The family have asked for a donation to charity in lieu of flowers and that attendees should wear whatever they are comfortable in. No dark suits nor black ties please.

Clare and the family invite you to join them at The Spa Hotel afterwards to help them celebrate Geoff's life.

It is still difficult to comprehend Geoff's passing and even more so that the club's annual memorial game had to be cancelled yesterday due to the pitches being under water. A real shame.

I am sure those attending the champagne, cheese and carols celebration would have had an amazing time but also would have spared a moment or two to remember those the club has lost in recent times.

Life goes on and in the world of rugby a mixed bag for the clubs we follow via this nonsense. Tunbridge Wells lost at Dorking, Brighton were well beaten by their visitors table topping Guernsey, and Sevenoaks v Sidcup was postponed. On the flip side in London 1 South Horsham came home from Beckenham with a win and Chichester held off high flying neighbours Havant to win 14-13.

In the big boys leagues Tonbridge Juddians racked up over 80 points in their crushing defeat of Sutton & Epsom. Worthing were comfortable winners over Bournemouth. Above them in National 1 Canterbury's difficult season continues losing at Blackheath.

It was really disappointing to see Salisbury cry off giving Old Centralians a HWO. Bridgnorth did play but lost at home to Bourneville. Didn't see it but did catch the guys post match going to the club in their very garish Christmas jumpers.

Some interesting results in the top flight with the Dragons sneaking past the Scarlets at the death being the top story. Saracens comfortable win over Bristol sent a clear message about the Barnet outfit's intentions. Good win for Sale and Bath looked pretty impressive albeit against a woeful London Irish side. Leicester Tigers beware. This latest defeat at the hands of Exeter puts them almost in the clutches of the chasing Saracens.

Gloucester came good in the end against Worcester on Friday. By the way did anybody else question why Worcester weren't playing in their normal navy blue strip and instead chose to wear an all white outfit that often clashed with the Gloucester strip.

Interesting piece about England players wanting more games to be played away from Twickenham. I can understand that as it generates interest and possibly a new audience. Twickenham is way too corporate both in terms of its offering and its audience so moving to an alternative venue breaks that mould allowing those who are deeply involved at grassroots level an opportunity to support their country. It ain't going to happen though. Why? Money of course. Twickenham is a cash cow for the RFU and with them running a deficit right now it would be madness to sacrifice revenue for any reason.

The salary cap saga simply won't go away. There are still rumblings of discontent and questions remain unanswered about whether Saracens are truly complying even now. The Premiership Rugby mandarins have said the only way to put this to bed is a root and branch review of the whole salary cap rules and rewrite them if it is proven they are no longer fit for purpose. A simplification of the rules and eliminating any possible loopholes being the priority. Apparently the current complexity means straight comparison between clubs is not possible.

Bad week for Leicester City losing at Manchester City. Awful week for football with more racist abuse from the terraces. This time at Spurs.

Excellent result with the Saints holding off a determined Tennessee Titans last night.

Great news for the Tories as Rebecca Long-Bailey throws her hat into the ring in the race to replace Comrade Corbynov.

That'll do for now. Can I wish you all a VERY Merry Christmas and thank you for reading this rubbish. I do it for myself in order to keep a little bit of my tiny brain active but it gives me great pleasure that people do read it. Enjoy the festivities. Love the family. Think of others less fortunate.

Perhaps you'd also like to ponder this.........

Happiness is a choice, not a result.

Merry Christmas and I'll be back on Monday 30th Jan.

Thursday 19th Dec: 09:00

I for one think yesterday's Friday Club lunch went very well. The food was great, the service was great, the company was excellent. All round a thoroughly enjoyable way to kick off the Christmas party season.

A big thank you to The Kings Arms, Rotherfield. A great job.

Yes I did crash out on the sofa not long after I got home.

Many of the rugby pages lead with Kyle Sinckler, not his possible move to Bristol but his awful concussion suffered just minutes into the World Cup Final in Japan. It makes for interesting reading in terms of the pain suffered when the full knowledge of England's defeat was related back to him. For me however it is the enormity of the risk players are now taking and the possible damage they could be doing to themselves that is important. It is absolutely right the governing bodies are clamping down on any contact with the head and are tightening up the protocols with regard to concussion. It must be noted this was a totally accidental collision which in a strange way highlights the risks even more.

The other hidden danger in our great game and in sport in general is the use of drugs. Not the recreational kind but the performance enhancing ones. You only have to look at the blanket ban of Russian athletes from all sports across the globe. Doping in Russia is allegedly systemic. In our sport I am not sure how rigorous the dope testing program is but one player banned is one too many. The latest to be caught is Stephen Hihetah of Hull RUFC and his ban of four years highlights how the Unions are taking this matter seriously. I am led to believe it is a growing problem in Wales, especially those aspiring to be regional players. It doesn't stop there. There are times when a player trots out at our level and you think "he needs to spend less time on the weights, drink fewer protein shakes and ease off on the ......." Worrying times.

The big headline in the news is the impeachment of Donald Trump. He will now face a trial in the Senate. He is only the third president in history to be impeached (Nixon resigned before going through that) and the first one who is orange. It is unlikely he will be booted out of office and in a strange way this act could actually get him re-elected by galvanising his supporters. I think he is a spoilt, domineering brat who has the morals of a snake and brains of an Ostrich........... but what do I know.

The other headline is Scottish Independence. I am going to find a nice seat and read up on what this really means but in the meantime some of the latest research indicates despite the stunning performance of the SNP last week those favouring independence has fallen. Another report has also shown that the Scottish economy would go backwards at quite an alarming rate if independence was to happen.

Dear Readers, there will be no blog now until Monday. Friday Club tomorrow and then Bridgnorth. I will be back on Monday for one last blog before the Christmas festivities.

Wednesday 18th Dec: 08:30

A big day for the Friday Club; their annual Christmas lunch. A beer or two, maybe a glass of wine and a light lunch....... NOT! From about 4pm onwards there will be 20 old blokes snoring their heads off on sofas across Crowborough after imbibing way too much.

Anyway to the news.

King Eddie's contract extension is on hold. There was talk of it going on to 2023 and RWC in France. I think the RFU are dragging their feet because Jones is VERY expensive, his set up is VERY expensive, his results haven't given the required return on investment and I guess he can be a right pain in the ass about the place. Just my opinion.

Taidgh Byrne has broken an ankle and therefore pretty certain to miss the 6 Nations. Also in Ireland is it the changing of the guard as Rob Kearney is left out of Andy Farrell's 45 man training squad. By the way it is no wonder the Irish regions do so well in European when you consider of that 45 there are 19 players from Leinster.

Justin Tipuric is in the news. He is set to return to domestic rugby this weekend but is also expected to announce whether he will stay in Wales or go for a big money move to England or France. No issue with the number of caps and based on Tipuric's showing in Japan there are no shortage of suitors. Hope the English and French salary caps can cope!!!!

Gallagher Premiership rugby returns this weekend. The River Severn derby between Gloucester v Worcester will be my viewing on Friday. Of the other games Saracens v Bristol is by far the pick of the bunch.

In the Pro 14 it is the lucrative derby weekend with Dragons v Scarlets and Ospreys v Blues that catch the eye.

The clowns, hypocrites, sycophants, and children all returned to the circus yesterday. Let us hope the new ringmaster Sir Lindsay Hoyle can keep the protagonists apart and to play nicely.

By the way I was delighted to hear the 23 year old new MP telling a news reporter how she he intends to put her extensive life experiences to good use in supporting her constituents. I laughed out loud. What a load of tosh and isn't this one of the reasons people are so disillusioned with our politicians: they have zero knowledge or experience of the real world.

Labour's civil war continues apace and getting more bloody by the hour. Rebecca Long-Bailey is being touted as the one to keep the red flag and the Marxist idealism alive. Oh heaven help us but at least there will be plenty of stuff for me write about especially when I look up her extensive experience of real life.

Must go as it is a beautiful morning and I can watch the early morning flights come in over Crowborough and follow their progress on Flightradar24. This will give me something to enthral the guys with at the FC lunch!!!!

Tuesday 17th Dec: 08:45

Another quick advert for Champagne, Cheese & Carols this Sunday at Steel Cross. All the details are on this website. The day kicks off HOPEFULLY with the annual memorial game. I use "hopefully" as I watch yet more rain pour down onto the sodden ground of Crowborough.

Rob Howley is the headline story in most papers this morning after he was given an 18 month ban from all rugby of which 9 months has been suspended. I think he has got off lightly when you look at the length of time his gambling has been going on, the fact he was using WRU equipment to place bets and the number of bets placed and the number of individual games involved. There is an irony in that he didn't quite make Bet365 with the number of bets the investigators found being 363.

When I say he got off lightly I think the WRU have recognised the severity of his addiction, the loss of his sister being a trigger, the impact this affair has had on his family life, the fact his gambling resulted in significant losses and not just the £4000 the investigators commented on and the fact he has gone into therapy with a psychologist to manage his addiction. It is a sad state of affairs and highlights the hidden and often swept under the carpet impact of gambling addictions.

The other big story is the investigation into the fracas involving Saracens and Munster players and staff last weekend. It seems it was triggered by a Munster medic throwing insults at Jamie George. Chris Foy has written how rugby's core values are being eroded and the game is sliding towards some of the worst of soccer.

Interesting piece on the BT website highlighting Alun Wyn Jones eyeing the Lions in 2020 as an opportunity to expunge the hurt of the World Cup. FYI Venatours are taking deposits now.

Exeter are in the news with Rob Baxter ruling out the England job and Sandy Park might still being able to host a European quarter-final despite not having a 15,000 capacity.

The European Cup format is under review with the lead proposal being to cut the number of teams in the tournament from 20 to 18 with an increase of pools from 5 to 6. This means the clubs who qualify would play less games prior to the knockout. The second element is to keep teams from the same league apart. The third suggestion is to have home and away semi finals. The Guardian carries this story.

In the same paper Ugo Monye has highlighted the need for home grown talent to be subject to transfer fees. Kyle Sinckler has been with Quins since he was 12 and is now set to go to Bristol in a big money move. A move that would see Quins years of investment evaporate with no reward. It also begs the question whether it is worth clubs having top flight internationals in their squad and whether they are compensated sufficiently for doing so. It is a fascinating read, again in The Guardian.

I have touched on this in the past and would suggest this is more than big money moves between the top clubs. I feel transfer fees need to be considered across the board. Take club A who are paying some players in their squad £500 per game with win bonuses and try bonuses. Club A are finding their players from smaller clubs like club B. Losing any players is a challenge for club B but losing their better players who have come through their minis and juniors is often a blow and a blow that often results in club struggling to maintain their current league position. If club A has so much money that they can afford those type of player wages then I think a transfer fee to the "smaller" club makes a degree of sense (on the basis it is invested in the junior and minis).

Racism is unacceptable anywhere in society and when it is prevalent in sport you know that the world is in a bad place. What therefore was the Italian FA thinking of commissioning the hideous and insulting anti-racism posters we can find across the media. The Italians have a major problem in soccer and this can only make it worse.

Like many I cannot stand what Comrade Corbynov stands for and his hypocrisy. It comes as absolutely no surprise that he is in denial about his part in the implosion of the Labour vote last week. I also believe his intransigence in stepping down now, today, this minute will hamper the search for a new leader. The infighting is already "dirty". For the record it was a relief that he didn't get in but the absence of a viable opposition is a new worry.

Must go it's Tuesday and my granddaughter has just arrived.

Monday 16th Dec: 09:15

On this miserably wet Monday morning it is time for the weekly league round-up. Our fine win over Gravesend puts us in 4th on the same points as Old Colfeians in 3rd who lost at Charlton Park. Haywards Heath continue to be the form team and their 19-12 away win at second placed Hove reinforces that point and puts them 8 points clear at the top. Maidstone pick up their first point of the season after losing at home to Dover 17-24. Deal & Betteshanger are hot on our tail after their home win over Thanet Wanderers 26-20. In the other game Old Alleynians beat Beccehamian 34-16. Six points separate Hove in 2nd and Charlton Park in 6th. Equally there is only eleven points separating Gravesend in 7th and Thanet in 11th. Much to play for me thinks.

Moving into London 3 South East the big Sussex derby was won by Uckfield beating Heathfield & Waldron 17-10. Uckfield move ahead of the Greenies as a consequence. Pulborough weren't so fortunate going down at Old Dunstonians. Ashford stay top after beating Folkestone in the top of the table clash. Old Williamsonians stay rooted to the bottom after coming home from Vigo empty handed. In the other games there were home wins for Aylesford Bulls over Gillingham Anchorians and Bromley beating Park House.

In the depleted Sussex 1 Eastbourne came home from Seaford with a win to stay top. Crawley are 2nd after beating East Grinstead with a fine 28-10 away win. Hove II lost at home to Haywards Heath II (by the way having both 1s and 2s playing at the same time in the same place is something I have been pushing for for some time). In the other game Barns Green lost at home to Burgess Hill.

In London 1 South Chichester lost away at Belsize Park but Horsham were able to get past a resolute London Cornish for a 12-7 home win. Our friends at Medway lost to Westcombe Park. Havant are top after beating KCS Old Boys with Dartfordians at the other end of the table after another defeat this time at the hands of Cobham.

Up at the Premier Inn St Marks Recreation Ground was under water so Tunbridge Wells v Wimbledon was postponed. Brighton lost at home to 2nd placed Rochford Hundred. Sevenoaks beat Tring 7-6 moving them into 5th spot in the league. Guildford remain adrift at the bottom.

Happily my mate John enjoyed his beloved Twickenham beating Old Tonbridgians 34-29.

Up in the ether of National 2 South TJs stay top after their 17-13 away win at Bury St Edmunds. Worthing stay nicely in mid-table after their win at Sutton & Epsom. Canterbury picked up a losing bonus point at Rotherham Titans and whilst they are still bottom of National 1 they are in touching distance of Hull Ionians, Richmond are top.

To conclude today's round-up Bridgnorth beat Sandbach at Sandbach but poor old Salisbury lost at home to "Damper's" beloved Chippenham 24-42. Salisbury are adrift so let's hope for a change in fortune in the New Year.

The European Cup saw Ulster demolish Quins on Friday night. For me Saracens beating Munster to stay in the hunt was the result of the weekend. Leinster put Saints to the sword and Glasgow couldn't repeat the feats of the previous week going down to La Rochelle. Exeter showed Sale a clean pair of heels and Clermont Auvergne destroyed Bath yesterday. For some there is much to play for, for others it is the Premiership that is now the focus.

In the Challenge Cup Scarlets were mighty impressive in their win over Bayonne and go you Dragons; that was a fine 25-16 win over Worcester.

Looking through the results I spotted Navan beat Naas in the All Ireland Division 1B. It brought back many happy memories of playing on tour at Navan in 1984. Hey Ho, happy days.

From Friday morning on the one thing that has been said to me is: "you must be happy with the election result". My answer has been quite simple: "I wouldn't say 'happy' I would say 'relieved' ". Relieved because the thought of living in a Marxist state under Corbynov and McDonnell genuinely terrified me. Boris is still a buffoon and I fear there are many political icebergs ahead of his titanic majority with Northern Ireland and Scotland being the biggest. He and his Government must now do what they have promised but they must be magnanimous in victory recognising the current gap between the "haves" and the "have nots" is unacceptably large and some major changes are needed to even this out. He must also loosen the purse strings and address some of the charges about austerity.

Back tomorrow but here is something to ponder. Wee Jimmie Sturgeon's SNP is the third biggest party in Parliament despite having 9% less of the national vote than the Lib Dems and just 1% point more share than the Greens who have just one MP. Is there something wrong with system?